National Security
We live in very unstable times as our foes continue to express their willingness to assert dominance against the United States and her allies. A position of strength is held with a steadfast hand. We must not capitulate to any global opposition. Wisely, we ought to closely monitor all activities regionally and globally, in order to effectively protect our sovereignty, and preserve our interests both domestically and abroad. We must wholeheartedly support our troops and defend our physical borders.
Government Transparency
We must stop all congressional insider trading by publicly prosecuting, convicting and punishing anyone who sells or trades political access or insider information for their personal, political or family gain. Strict standards of behavior and consistent, transparent enforcement are essential.
Maine's Environment
We must preserve and protect Maine’s lobster, fishing, farming and lumber industries while promoting Maine’s extremely valuable tourism. New, safe, bondable energy sources will help stop the highly toxic solar farms and the unsafe inefficient windmills that kill our whales, marine life and coastal birds. We must protect the grandeur of the Gulf of Maine by opposing the proposed 3.5 million acres of floating windmills that will certainly impact or end our fishing and tourism industries.
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